Last Thursday I saw a Tweet from @VictoryTea "Please share with us your great reasons
to drink #tea and we'll send you some free! #teatotalthursdays" I
replied "@VictoryTea I drink #Tea because I loves it and I’m British #rudenotto" they contacted me for my
address and today I received this:
How cute is this
packaging, it seemed such a shame to open it.
OOOO Its even pretty
inside (sorry a bit blurry in my excitement)
I was shocked to discover 2 packs of 8 tea bags. I was expecting one or 2 bags in a normal envelop.
The Tea is in 2 gold
foiled sealed packs
The money shot.
Getting there
Ahhhhh, TEA.
I was slightly
shocked how pale the tea was, I like a nice strong builder’s brew, but I
sampled a bit with a spoon and was pleasantly surprised 
I must admit I did add far
more milk than I’d like as my hand slipped but I really enjoyed this brew, I
think next time I will try it without milk and have a slice of Lemon.
My mum who likes a weaker brew than me also enjoyed it and also
commented that she'd like to try it with Lemon.
Just a note, that I have not been asked to write this post about
this tea, but as I was so excited by the packaging I thought I’d share.
I must admit I didn't look at the website until I received this
pack, but the pack I was sent is £1.50 to get a sample pack, if you like tea I’d
recommend you try it. Try tweeting them on a Thursday you might be as lucky as I
was xxxx
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