I saw a link for this on another blog and decided to sign up. sounds like it could be fun, once i work it out.
can I be cheeky and ask if you fancy signing up you use my link below?
I still need to take a picture of what's in my handbag, but i need to have a clear out as at this moment in time think I'd use all of Bloggers memory xxx
Monday, 30 July 2012
Time for Tea
Last Thursday I saw a Tweet from @VictoryTea "Please share with us your great reasons
to drink #tea and we'll send you some free! #teatotalthursdays" I
replied "@VictoryTea I drink #Tea because I loves it and I’m British #rudenotto" they contacted me for my
address and today I received this:
How cute is this
packaging, it seemed such a shame to open it.
OOOO Its even pretty
inside (sorry a bit blurry in my excitement)
I was shocked to discover 2 packs of 8 tea bags. I was expecting one or 2 bags in a normal envelop.
The Tea is in 2 gold
foiled sealed packs
The money shot.
Getting there
Ahhhhh, TEA.
I was slightly
shocked how pale the tea was, I like a nice strong builder’s brew, but I
sampled a bit with a spoon and was pleasantly surprised 
I must admit I did add far
more milk than I’d like as my hand slipped but I really enjoyed this brew, I
think next time I will try it without milk and have a slice of Lemon.
My mum who likes a weaker brew than me also enjoyed it and also
commented that she'd like to try it with Lemon.
Just a note, that I have not been asked to write this post about
this tea, but as I was so excited by the packaging I thought I’d share.
I must admit I didn't look at the website until I received this
pack, but the pack I was sent is £1.50 to get a sample pack, if you like tea I’d
recommend you try it. Try tweeting them on a Thursday you might be as lucky as I
was xxxx
OOTD's Thursday - Monday
I've had a busy weekend so
here is a quick catch up of what I've been wearing
Thursday, I'm really frustrated as I can't rotate some
of my pictures, some work no problem others tell me I’m not authorised.
So please tilt your heads.
Skirt £10 Primark Size 20. Top Dorothy Perkins last
year, I can't remember how much it was but it was in the sale
I also wore a belt
Tights are from H&M i think and shoes are Dorothy Perkins
- DDF at work so a chance to wear my jeans. In my old job we could dress down
every day so I used to live in my jeans but now I like just wearing them
one or two days a week.
Friday Night - we went to the pub on the caravan site, i changed in to my NL jeans and a top from Store 21
Friday Night - we went to the pub on the caravan site, I changed
in to my NL jeans and a top from Store 21 Sunday - I wore a new dress I bought from New Look the day before £10, I had to get it in a 24 and it feels way too big but I do love it, going to see if my gran can take it in a bit.
I also got soaked seconds before I took the photo, I still took it
as I didn't think i's get a chance later in the day. The Cardie is from H&M
it was only about £7 instead of £30 last year.
Today I wore my dress from
peacocks, I love this dress, I also walked into a woman wearing the same one, and
she gave me a dirty look and flounced off. She looked really nice in
it, I was going to compliment her as well.
I also took a shot of me in my cardie and hair up how I’d actually be in work
Challenging Self #1 - Belts
Hi all,
I'm new to this blogging about my clothes, I'm not in a place to
call it fashion or fatshion, all I'm doing is showing you what I wear on a
daily basis.
I've also been reading a lot of blogs and have noticed people
getting involved in challenges with other bloggers etc., I'm not in a place to
look for challenges myself but I thought there was nothing to stop me
challenging myself.
I've got approx. 4 of these planned and this is numbero uno.
of the first posts I saw was called Take Five : Belts - 5 bloggers, 5 belts, 5
ways.... I'm not sure if it was this blog exactly that I looked at
first but it has the links to some of the other blogs I've been
looking at.
Belts are not something I wear unless I need to keep my trousers
up, but seeing these posts and looking at other blogs where people are wearing
belts it can really improve and outfit.
I own a large number of belts, mainly free with purchase that are
far too small, or hand me downs from my mum. I never think to wear them, so I
decided to challenge myself to try and wear a belt 7 times in 14 days. I'd go
for every day but I don't think that is sustainable.
As I write this I am 5 days in and I've worn a belt 4 times.
I have to say despite initial reservations I've
been pleasantly surprised, my reservations included the fact I never
wear belts so will people be staring at me, will people make comments, will I
survive a full work day in one.
The only issues I had which was easily resolved needed to adjust
it between standing up and sitting down.
I also think it game some outfits a whole new look. On Tuesday I
wore an ASDA beach dress to work, which has a drawstring waist but with the
belt made it look like a skirt and top and I got a few comments on how nice my
skirt was!!! Which I wouldn't have got otherwise, and although I would still
wear that dress for work I felt more businessy! (Is that even a word?)
I also think the belt has given me a much better shape and dare I
say it I've felt a bit more confident.
Here's to the next 3 occasions but with 9 days to go and 3 more
belts to go I’m confident I will succeed
Edit 30/07/12 - 9 Days in and I’ve worn a belt around 10
Here are my Belts:
Saturday 21 July
23 July you will have
to go to the link for Wednesday as the picture is on my camera's internal
memory and it's not letting me link to it.
Friday, I work a
long shirt over my jeans; here is a sneak peek of it. You can't actually see
the belt and it is one I wear a lot as it's a good jean keeper upper.
Friday Night we went
to the pub and I put a belt on again
Sunday I wore a new dress from New Look it
is too big but as a sale item non-refundable. I got caught in a
shower of rain just before I took the picture Then finally today, I wore my dress from Peacocks, you have seen this before as I wore it on a night out with my friend last weekend. I think it looks much better with a belt.
Do you always wear a belt?
I carry on wearing belts?
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Weekend Away
i've been away in Skipton this weekend, not Wifi and its been nice but missed blogging.
i have taken a few pictures i need to post and i've also got 3 lots of NOTD posts as well as OOTD posts and pictures of all the lovely things i've bought this weekend.
i'm going to try and do 2 big catch ups tomorrow night as well.
Next weekend i'm away at Lytham Proms Friday - Monday, that will be a busy wifi weekend as well.
I've also got a Hen Do in Scotland coming up 17th - 19th August and that place has no mobile phone reception so i doubt there will be wifi.
i'm aslo thinking about going to the Leeds Clothes swap 26th August, i need to find the link for this and check trains etc.
does anyone know if these kind of events are ever done in Manchester or at least Lancashire? I'm not far from Leeds.
i've been away in Skipton this weekend, not Wifi and its been nice but missed blogging.
i have taken a few pictures i need to post and i've also got 3 lots of NOTD posts as well as OOTD posts and pictures of all the lovely things i've bought this weekend.
i'm going to try and do 2 big catch ups tomorrow night as well.
Next weekend i'm away at Lytham Proms Friday - Monday, that will be a busy wifi weekend as well.
I've also got a Hen Do in Scotland coming up 17th - 19th August and that place has no mobile phone reception so i doubt there will be wifi.
i'm aslo thinking about going to the Leeds Clothes swap 26th August, i need to find the link for this and check trains etc.
does anyone know if these kind of events are ever done in Manchester or at least Lancashire? I'm not far from Leeds.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
OOTD Wednesday
Evening all,
i seem to be losing GFC followers left right and centre, although numbers are not the be all and end all i'd not nice to see 4 gone in a 4 hours, seems a bit much! oh well.
Today i wore my blue dress from River Island, yep that's right RIVER ISLAND!
It's a size 18 which in itself is a rare novelty in my local store, i tried it on, it fitted (well i can get away with it) i love everything about it.
The colour is one of my favourites, i love the granddad style colour, i even like the platted belt.
Its a jersey fabric and very forgiving and it was in the sale (would i buy it if it wasn't?!)
I wore it with a necklace from Accessorize, which normally breaks but i fixed it this morning and it is still in one piece.
I also wore
This is me, i can't get it to rotate for love nor money, Leggins as always from Next (i promise i have lots of pairs of these!)
i seem to be losing GFC followers left right and centre, although numbers are not the be all and end all i'd not nice to see 4 gone in a 4 hours, seems a bit much! oh well.
Today i wore my blue dress from River Island, yep that's right RIVER ISLAND!
It's a size 18 which in itself is a rare novelty in my local store, i tried it on, it fitted (well i can get away with it) i love everything about it.
The colour is one of my favourites, i love the granddad style colour, i even like the platted belt.
Its a jersey fabric and very forgiving and it was in the sale (would i buy it if it wasn't?!)
I wore it with a necklace from Accessorize, which normally breaks but i fixed it this morning and it is still in one piece.
I also wore
This is me, i can't get it to rotate for love nor money, Leggins as always from Next (i promise i have lots of pairs of these!)
I've got a few posts planned but they are ones i need a bit of time and combine a few different things, so it won't just be OOTD posts in the future.
I'm hopefully going to Skipton this weekend but not crossing fingers and next weekend i'm off to Lytham proms so expect some posts from them.
What are you fave types of posts? what do you like to blog and read about?
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
My First Win!!!
Slightly giddy and over excited to discover I've won the first giveaway i entered!!!
Seeee what i won Here
Seeee what i won Here
OOTD Tuesday
Evening all,
When I came home from work last night there was an Asda bag on my bed and in it was this dress, with 3 other things that are all going back (me no likey- i might post them) My mum had taken back the NEXT sale bargains i'd got her and spent my money one me.
I love this dress it was only £4.00 in the sale and its a beach dress i'm assuming. Its a really nice cotton dress with a drawstring waist which i covered with a belt to make it less beachy.
I love the length which was just right for work and bonus it has pockets. Listen up dress designers girls like pockets!
I'm also trying to wear more jewellrey for work, i own so much its a shame not to. its almost all cheapy so it's not like it matters if it gets ruined.
This bracelet is from Fund Grube in Fuerteventura, its mean to have special meaning or power to do with blood and healing. i can't remember what its called and not entirely sure what it's meant to do or if it will work but i think its really pretty and i love the colour
I almost always wear a ring, this one is from Accessorise. It is on my wedding finger and no i'm not married. i really struggle with rings as the chubby fingers and i get really bad eczema between my 3rd and 4th finger on my right hand.
What did you wear today you wouldn't normally?
Monday, 23 July 2012
OOTD Monday
Today i wore one of the Dresses i bought from ASOS, this was the dress i liked most online but least in real life.
The fabric was a lot thinner than i expected it to be and was slightly see through.
BUT it is really comfy and despite its faults it has a number of pluses, i live the neck line detail of the V and the button, it has pockets ( a major plus) and more buttons on the pockets.
Another thing i don't like is the join between the top and the skirt but i wore a belt to bridge the gap.
I wore it with leggins to combat the see through-ness, but no one commented on that and everyone said it looks nice on.
I feel a little screwed up in it and this pic was taken at the start of the day so goodness know what i looked at at the end of the day.
I did wear it with a cardie from Tesco that has coral and green dragonfly's on but i can't find the picture on my phone.
Shoes are by next
PS i've started a new twitter account @sheselec for #PSBlogger stuff as i have a lot of "real" people on my @stefi__J account and i'd like to keep things seperate.
It's a locked account but please add me i've tried to add people i'm already following but i will have missed people
i've also joined bloglovin'. not sure what i'm doing on there either, but please follow me.
Also how do you get the fab grab buttons / widgets to link to twitter pinterest etc xxx
Love Stefi
Love Stefi
New Twitter
I've just set up a new Twitter account @Sheselec for posts to do with this blog xx
I joined yesterday, not really sure what i'm doing on there but i'm not following lots and lots of people
Sunday, 22 July 2012
OOTD Sunday
I road tested by new @ASOS Curve dress and my white M&S sandals
I love this dress, its really comfy, easy to wear, i got loads of comments about how nice it looked and it has pockets!!!!
Lees Village Fair
Photo heavy post...
Today was the Village fair and it was such a lovely warm, sunny day, My friend who has a sweet shop (The Choc Box) had a stall.
We had a wander round, i was really impressed how many people turned up and my friends stall seemed to be doing really well, here are the pictures i took of her stall. We bought some of the HP sauce crisps for la papa, a bag of sweets and i got a mixed bag of kiddie sweets, all now demolished.
Hazelnut Bakery where i got yesterdays cupcake from had a stall selling already decorated and some you could decorate yourself, we opted for the pre-decorated ones....i'd tell you i did them myself but you'd all know i wasn't telling the truth.
There were a couple of different jewelry stalls, my mum got a bracelet and i bought some Hello Kitty Earrings, i know i'm a bit old for HK but i do love all things and i'm surprised i managed to restrain myself. I didn't notice any leaflets or business cards for this stall, but i will post a better picture of the earrings i got when i get a chance
The Choc box's neighbour Curious Alice was also there selling clothes, which are very nice but far too small for me and some cute bags, scarves and necklaces
There was an avon stall and we got some makeup for bargain prices, no photos as yet sadly, but we got 2 lip glosses, a lipstick, mascara, eye shadows and a nail varnish and it was £8.
There was 2 stalls selling soaps and candles one i think was called bubbles and flames (could be totally wrong) and her stall was cute
But i fell in love with Ma's Bars and i must have been over about 5 times before buying something, i kind of felt like i should, and the person manning the stall was lovely, telling me about the products and telling me not to eat things (I didn't but they smelt good enough to eat)
Body Butters, bath bombs, home made soaps. I have stupid skin and get eczema a lot so didn't go mad and just bought a bar of soap i think i was lemon and rosemary but can't remember (doh!)
These are the pictures i look of this stall
The next 2 stall's along was also clothes and accessories and i did like a lot of the things but i didn't buy anything
They had loads of activities on for kiddies, a bouncy side, face painting, badge making, circus games, football, donkey rides
After an hour or so we needed another drink, the club house was packed so we popped to the pub across the road for a sit down in the Beer Garden, my mum then left me to visit my gran and went back.
I spotted the Dr Kershaws Knitting group and they'd been making things to sell, this is a charity i support so i had a go on the guess my birthday game and bought 2 hair slides (i doubt i'd wear them and i should have just given them money) but i did hear one of the say they'd made £95 so far and that was at half 2. (wooo for them)
Love Stefi
Today was the Village fair and it was such a lovely warm, sunny day, My friend who has a sweet shop (The Choc Box) had a stall.
We had a wander round, i was really impressed how many people turned up and my friends stall seemed to be doing really well, here are the pictures i took of her stall. We bought some of the HP sauce crisps for la papa, a bag of sweets and i got a mixed bag of kiddie sweets, all now demolished.
Hazelnut Bakery where i got yesterdays cupcake from had a stall selling already decorated and some you could decorate yourself, we opted for the pre-decorated ones....i'd tell you i did them myself but you'd all know i wasn't telling the truth.
There were a couple of different jewelry stalls, my mum got a bracelet and i bought some Hello Kitty Earrings, i know i'm a bit old for HK but i do love all things and i'm surprised i managed to restrain myself. I didn't notice any leaflets or business cards for this stall, but i will post a better picture of the earrings i got when i get a chance
The Choc box's neighbour Curious Alice was also there selling clothes, which are very nice but far too small for me and some cute bags, scarves and necklaces
There was an avon stall and we got some makeup for bargain prices, no photos as yet sadly, but we got 2 lip glosses, a lipstick, mascara, eye shadows and a nail varnish and it was £8.
There was 2 stalls selling soaps and candles one i think was called bubbles and flames (could be totally wrong) and her stall was cute
But i fell in love with Ma's Bars and i must have been over about 5 times before buying something, i kind of felt like i should, and the person manning the stall was lovely, telling me about the products and telling me not to eat things (I didn't but they smelt good enough to eat)
Body Butters, bath bombs, home made soaps. I have stupid skin and get eczema a lot so didn't go mad and just bought a bar of soap i think i was lemon and rosemary but can't remember (doh!)
These are the pictures i look of this stall
The next 2 stall's along was also clothes and accessories and i did like a lot of the things but i didn't buy anything
They had loads of activities on for kiddies, a bouncy side, face painting, badge making, circus games, football, donkey rides
After an hour or so we needed another drink, the club house was packed so we popped to the pub across the road for a sit down in the Beer Garden, my mum then left me to visit my gran and went back.
I spotted the Dr Kershaws Knitting group and they'd been making things to sell, this is a charity i support so i had a go on the guess my birthday game and bought 2 hair slides (i doubt i'd wear them and i should have just given them money) but i did hear one of the say they'd made £95 so far and that was at half 2. (wooo for them)
I offered to watch my friends stall while she went to get a drink as it was quite as soon as she left loads of kids came over, most things had prices on but some i didn't know but the kids just stood and waited i'd have stalked off.
This is a view from the other side
I had a fab day. i'm so glad we went down
i do plan to come back to this post and add some links but pretty much everything i've mentioned should be able to be found on google.
Love Stefi
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