
Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Meet KK

I generally try and keep my friends and family out of my blog, i don't tell people in my real world i blog, i think something they will think i'm daft for doing it, plus i like having something thats just mine.

My furry little sister is something else she keeps photo bombing my posts, i've not used a lot of them, so i though she deserved a post of her own.

if you don't like cats look away now.

My fur-sister has many name but the most common one is : Kitty Anne

She is 14 human years own which is pretty old for cats i think.

She has her very own cupboard in the kitchen
She likes Whiskers Braised food meat varieties normally she only likes fishy flavours
She is a cheeky monkey and takes over the settee 
We are currently home alone and are at war.

She has so far spewed on the rug, walked pee'd on cat little all over a chair
then walked pee'd in cat litter over both settees and all 5 cushions
I washed the cushion covers and moved the cushions out of the way. she cried and cried for the cushions to come back,  I gave in and put the striped ones back on. she didn't like that and wanted the flowery ones.

I had left them and a towel that we use for hair dying on the chair arm when i came down she had moved them onto the chair and was sitting not to be moved.

she now has the 3 flower cushion covers and the hair dying towel as a nest and is not moving.

pee'd all over the kitchen floor

She has also moved them from one end of the settee to the other end and has made herself very comfy
The final straw was last night i came home to pee all over the kitchen floor.
I love my fur sister but she is really not being nice to me.

Roll on the ma and pa coming home


  1. shes cuuute first I thought its about ur real sister (humain sister :P) then wooot a kitty lol lovely blog be ice to her

    1. no just the furry girl, i don't have any actual sisters


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